I don’t know about you, but when or IF we ever find ourselves in a disaster, I want to make sure that I am in contact with my family. In my research, I found apps that I think could be used as survival apps during a disaster. As I find more, I will add them to this list so check back her for updates. I have not use a lot of these apps, yet, but it will be interesting to know how they work and if they give accurate information. Also, search for local apps in your area, they may be helpful. Use the apps to practice now, before a disaster happens so you will know how to use them during a disaster.
In Case of Emergency allows easy access to vital ICE (in case of emergency) information, in times of emergency.
Zello – Turn your phone or tablet into a walkie-talkie with this free PTT (Push To Talk) radio app, which works between Android, iPhone, BlackBerry, and PC.
Army Survival Guide
– This Survival Guide is completely based on the U.S. Military Survival Manual FM 21-76. This field manual is a complete reference guide on basic survival, evasion, first aid and recovery information.
Bug Out Bag Survival Guide – This app walks you through the process, keeps track of what is in your bag, and reminds you when items need to be replaced.
First Aid –
Accidents happen. The official American Red Cross First Aid app puts expert advice for everyday emergencies in your hand.
Cures A-Z – Comprehensive Medicine combines the best of natural and prescription therapies to create optimal health.
Disaster Alert – This provides a listing and interactive map of Active Hazards occurring around the globe.
Disaster Readiness – This FEMA app is your one-stop-shop with tools and tips to keep you safe before, during, and after disasters.
EMS Pocket Drug Guide – This is the first EMS pocket drug guide that contains the detailed information typically found only in much larger reference books.
Hunting GPS Map – The New Era of GPS – Use the HUNT App as a fully functioning GPS on your phone. View private and public land ownership, hunting units, roads and trails, and much more! Turn your phone into a free GPS with offline maps, tracking, and more!
US Topo Map – Easy to use outdoor navigation app with free access to the best topographic maps and aerial images for the USA.
Fishing Knots – Fishing Knots is a personal pocket helper tool, that explains how to bind the most important fishing knots.
Google Earth – Google Earth for Android enables you to explore the globe with a swipe of your finger.
iTriage Health – Created by two emergency room physicians to help people answer health questions such as “What do I have?” and “Where do I go?”
Pet First Aid – Don’t forget about your fur babies. Take care of your furry family member. The American Red Cross Pet First Aid app puts veterinary advice for everyday emergencies in the palm of your hand.
American Heart Association – e-Book Reader – With the AHA eBook Reader you can read all your American Heart Association (AHA) eBooks online, offline or anytime on your mobile device.
Grocery iQ – Grocery shopping made quick and easy with the features you expect from the #1 grocery shopping list app.
Scanner Radio – With this you can listen to live audio from over 5,000 police scanners. It even lets you sort the scanners by distance from your location. Links: Apple iTunes, Google Play.
ViewRanger GPS – Discover thousands of inspiring trail guides, download detailed topo maps, and navigate your outdoor adventures with ViewRanger’s integrated navigation system.
The Weather Channel – Make confident decisions based on the world’s most downloaded weather app.
WebMD – This Android helps you with your decision-making and health improvement efforts by providing mobile access 24/7 to mobile-optimized health information and decision-support tools.
Also, it should be noted that after a disaster, your phone may not work. But, if your phone is charged, FireChat will get the message out. It has been used during these natural disasters, they say it works.
- Floods in Kashmir, Pakistan (April 2015)
- Floods in Chennai, India (October 2015)
- Volcano eruption of Cotopaxi in Ecuador (August 2015)
Hurricane Patricia in Mexico (October 2015).
FireChat – Free messaging. FireChat works even without an Internet connection or cellular phone coverage. Use it anywhere: planes, public transportation, cruise ships, campuses, and crowded events. All you need is a few people around you using FireChat.
So, start your network now by sharing the apps that you like with your friends and family so you will stay in touch if the grid goes down.
Let me know what you think about them. Do they work for you?
To Prepare = Peace of Mind
Find Your Peace!
Great article.
Keep up the good work. We need more of our ppl to be woke to this .
Know you’re not alone, we’re out here.
God bless and stay prepared !!!!
Yes, I will keep chugging along. I hope that others start preparing before it is too late. We are in troubled times and it is not going to get better. We will be abandoned by our leaders and it will be every man, woman and kid to fend for themselves. Take a look at what’s going on in Venezuela. We are next. Thank you for your support.